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By the grace of God. Almighty we can stand up, breathe, and breathe fresh air. It is fitting we are grateful for all His blessings by following all his instructions and stay away from all prohibitions. And afterward, with the arrival of this paper we are led to be able to learn in order to know what information contained in this paper.
By studying the adab of this dress, we can know more about the etiquette of dressing according to Islamic religious laws.
Finally, the authors hope that this can increase our creativity as students, especially in pelejaran Islam. That is all and thank you…

INTRODUCTION  …………………………………………………………1
CONTENTS ................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION................................................................... 3
A. Background................................................................................................ 3
B. The problems............................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II: DISCUSSION........................................................................ 4
A. Definition clothes....................................................................................... 4
B. Provisions Muslim dress............................................................................. 5
C. Commands for the veiled Muslim woman.................................................. 9
D. Conditions dressed men and dress up....................................................... 10
E. Implementation of dress according to Islam in the era of globalization.... 11
F. Dressed deviating from the teachings of Islam.......................................... 11
G. Signs true words of the prophet shallahu'alaihiwasallam.......................... 11
H. Culture For Women Who Do Not Want Berhijab ……………………. 11

CHAPTER III CLOSING............................................................................. 13
A. Conclusion................................................................................................. 13
B. Cover......................................................................................................... 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................... 14

A. Background
One of the differences with the Islamic system is that the capitalist system
The capitalist system is looking at the social and domestic issues considered
as a matter of economics, while the Islamic system problems above
discussed separately in the laws surrounding the male-female interaction
(Nizam al-ijtima'iyyah). For example in the capitalist system does not exist
term zina if men and women do a conjugal relationship
without marriage if done like both like or mutual
profitable otherwise called sexual harassment and the perpetrator can
submitted to the court if a husband forcing served by a wife
while his wife refused.

Therefore the issue of clothing between the adherents of the capitalist system and Islam clearly perbeda system. In a capitalist system clothes considered
as one expression of personality, as opposed to towing element
type and therefore has economic value. Body shape
especially women are very influential on the meaning of happiness and future,

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the content of the letter al-A 'raf verse 26?
2. What is the etiquette of dressing?
3. What are the limits of female genitalia and male?
4. What plainclothes law for women and men?

A. Definition Clothing
Apparel (clothing) is one of the basic human needs in addition to food (food) and shelter (the board). Besides functioning to cover the body, the clothes can also be an expression of one's status symbol in the society. For the dressing proved to be a manifestation of human nature that has always been a shame so trying to cover herself.
Clothing according to language is everything that attaches to the body from head to toe.[1] According to the terms, clothing is clothing that we wear every day from head to toe along with paraphernalia, such as handbags, shoes, and all kinds of jewelry / accessories attached to it.
In the teachings of Islam, clothing is not merely a matter of culture and fashion. Islam establishes certain restrictions for men and women. Especially for Muslim women, have special clothes that show his identity as a Muslim. When the custom clothing is generally localized, then the Islamic headscarf is universal. In a sense can be worn by Muslim wherever he is.
يا بني آدم قد أنزلنا عليكم لباسا يواري سوءاتكم وريشا ولباس التقوى ذلك خير ذلك من آيات الله لعلهم يذكرون
"O Children of Adam! We have sent down to clothing to cover your nakedness and beautiful clothes to jewelry. And the clothing of piety that is the most good. That is the party of Allah's signs, hopefully they will always remember. "(Al-Araf 26)
In the Qur'an explained that the clothes the children of Adam there was three kinds, namely:
First, clothing yuwaari sau-atikum, meaning clothes just enough to cover parts that embarrassed seen or sighted people.
Second, clothing riisyan, means clothes that are worthy ornament for humans, so more than just hide the nakedness alone.
Third, (and most importantly) outfit called libasut taqwa, which means clothing that is piety,[2] fleeing, refreshing the soul, evoking character and noble spirit. Clothing this will ensure the safety of yourself, the world and the hereafter, guaranteeing the happiness of households and ensure security and peace in the society and the state.
So great the influence of culture and mode of dress, make people forget to understand the essence of the function of their clothing. In this respect Islam as a religion that salih wa li kulli meal times gave considerable attention to the function of dressing. According to Islamic teachings, - as described by Allah in the Qur'an Surat An-Nahl: 81 and Surah Al-A'raf: 26-, clothing that has three main functions:

1. In closing aurat.
2. As jewelry. The intention is for accessories to beautify the appearance before God and fellow human beings. For jewelry, one is free to design and create a shape or fashion and color of clothing is considered beautiful, interesting, and fun, do not violate the limits that have been determined.
3. As the body armor of the things that damage, such as heat, cold, high winds, the sun, and so on.
Thus the three main functions of clothing in the Islamic view, hopefully in clothes we could realize what exactly is the function we want from our clothes, so we included the servants of God are grateful for His blessings and to avoid the nature of Kufr against his gifts.

B. Conditions muslim dress
Muslim fashion, so often referred to today. By some Indonesian fashion designers known as the fashion of contemporary art. In the field of Shariah consultation online, there are several requirements that must be met in dress. These requirements are: covering the whole body except excluded items[3], not transparent, not tight so as to form curves, does not resemble men's clothes and did not resemble the clothes 'typical' property of the disbelievers or clothing of the wicked. Here's the explanation quoted from the book Hijab Al Mar'ah Al Muslimah fil kitabi wa Sunnah (Shaykh Al Albany), several conditions must be met in order to dress in harmony and certainly syar'i:
1. Covering the entire body except excluded items Terms.
Contained in the letter An Nuur verse 31 Allah says: "Say to the believing women:" Let them hold their views and maintain their genitals and they must not reveal their adornment except that (usually) visible from them. And let them cover with a cloth veil to her chest them, and do not reveal their Prhiasan. ' "
Also the word of Allah in surah Al-Ahzab: 59, which reads: "O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and wives of the mumin: 'Let them mengulurkann garments over their bodies.'" This verse tells us that cover the entire body is the duty of every Muslim woman (mukminah) and is a sign of their faith. Close the genitals is one of the obligations set forth by Muslims, while studying is another obligation that applies to life.
Al-Qurtubi said: "The exception was the face and hands. That shows it is what is narrated by Abu Daud of Aisha that Asma bint Abu Bakr to see the Prophet while he wear thin. So the Prophet turned to him and said to him:" O Asma! Indeed, if a woman has reached the age of menstruation, not good if there are parts of his body that is visible[4], except this. ' Then he pointed to his face and (the palms) hand. Taufik Giver of God and there is no lord besides Him. "
2. Not to be functioning as jewelry.
It is based on the word of God in Surat an-Nur verse 31, which reads: "And do not women that show their jewelry." In general, the content of this paragraph also includes regular clothes if decorated with something that causes men melirikkan view of him.
This is confirmed word of God in the Al-Ahzab verse 33: "And you shall remain in your house and do not ornate and behave like people of ignorance." Trimmed away like those of ignorance here means bertabarruj. Tabarruj is the behavior of women who appeared jewelery and beauty and everything that is required to shut down because it can evoke male impotence. (Fath al Bayan VII / 19).
3. Do not invisibility.
In a hadith the Prophet has said: "At the end of my ummah there will be women who dressed but (virtually) bare. Above their heads as there is a hump (hump) camel. Curse them because in fact they are women are cursed." In another hadith there is additional: "They will not enter Paradise and will not smell it, but the smell of paradise that can be kissed on the trip so and so." (Hadith. Muslim from Abu Hurairah history).
Atsar above shows that the thin clothing or characterize and describe the contours of the body is prohibited.[5] Therefore Aisha once said: "The name of khimars is to hide the skin and hair." Today many manufactured materials linen thin and soft fabric. With a touch of tailoring technology might be circumvented by adding a layer (thicker / matching) inside the material when sewed clothes or wear it, so we still can wear the clothes that we wanted.
4. Not strictly to show the curves.
Usamah bin Zaid had said: The Messenger never gave Quthbiyah thick armor which is awarded by Dihyah clothes Al-Kalbi to him. Even then I put the clothes on my wife. The Prophet asked me: "Why are you not wearing Quthbiyah?" I replied: "I put the clothes on my wife." The Prophet then said: "Tell her to be dressed in Quthbiyah behind it, because I was worried that the clothes can still describe the shape of the bones." (HR. Ahmad and Al-Bayhaqi with sanad Hasan).
Aisha once said: "A woman in the prayer should be wearing three suits: dress, veil and khimars." Aisha was never reached its izar (similar clothing robe) and veiling her.
5. Do not resemble men's clothes.
Abu Hurayrah said: "The Prophet cursed men who wear women's clothes and women who wear men's clothing."
From Abdullah bin Amr who said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah said: 'Excluding our group of women who equate themselves with men,[6] and men who equate themselves with women.'"
From Abdullah bin Umar who said: "The Prophet said:" Three groups are not going to heaven and God will not look at them on the Day of Resurrection; People who rebel against his parents, the woman who acts with males and likening himself to men and dayyuts (people who do not have jealousy).
In the hadiths contained clear instructions on actions Prohibition women resemble men, nor should be. Does not resemble men's clothing here, for example, a Muslim woman to wear trousers like worn by a man, wearing a men's shirt etc. So psychologically affected at private users, for example, was as strong as a man, feel tomboy etc.
6. Did not resemble the clothes 'typical' infidels or wicked.
Islamic Shari'ah has determined that the Muslims (men and women) should not be bertasyabuh (similar) to the unbelievers, both in worship, to celebrate the feast, and their distinctive dress. The evidence is the word of Allah the Al-Hadid: 16, which reads: "Has not come time for those who believe, to subject their hearts the remembrance of Allah and the truth that has come down (to them) and they must not like people who previously Al-Kitab has been lowered to him, then to pass[7], a long time on them and their hearts became hardened. And most of them are people who are wicked. "Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said in Al-Iqtidha things. 43: Word of God, "Do not they like ..." is an absolute prohibition of actions resemble them, in addition to a special prohibition of actions resemble those in the case of the liver caused membatunya disobedience. Ibn Kathir when interpreting this verse (IV / 310) said: "Therefore God forbid believers resemble them in cases of goods as well as branches. Allah says in Surah Al-Mujadalah: 22 that no one who loves those mumin infidels. Whoever loves those who disbelieve, then it is not the mumin, while likening himself outwardly action is suspected as a form of love, and therefore forbidden.
7. Wear clothing not to seek popularity.
Based on the hadith of Ibn 'Umar who said: "The Prophet said:' Whoever dressed (libas) syuhrah in the world, Allah dressed humiliation to him on the Day of Resurrection, then burn with the fire of hell. '" (Abu Daud II / 172; Ibn Majah II / 278-279).
Libas Syuhrah is any clothing that is used for the purpose of gaining popularity in the middle of the crowd, whether clothes are expensive, which is used by someone to take pride in the world and jewels, as well as clothing undervalued, which is used by a person to reveal kezuhudannya and riya goal.
Ibn al-Athir said: "Syuhrah sighting means something. The point of the clothing Libas Syuhrah is famous among people who lift their gaze to him. He was proud of the people with arrogance and overbearing.
Thus the conditions that must be met in determining a Muslim clothing that will be worn. The more we know clearly the conditions of Muslim dress, we will be able to be creative with our clothing. Dressed Muslim harmony is one sign of our thanksgiving to God.

C. Commands for the veiled Muslim woman
Muslimah should be back on the nature of Islam.[8] And not feasible for them to deny Allah's command when God ordained duty, there is no other choice but to comply. Similarly, when the veil disyari'atkan, there is no other choice but to wear it with full obedience, not half-measures and not mixed denagn modes Jews.
An-Nur verse 31
وقل للمؤمنات يغضضن من أبصارهن ويحفظن فروجهن ولا يبدين زينتهن إلا ما ظهر منها وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن ولا يبدين زينتهن إلا لبعولتهن أو آبائهن أو آباء بعولتهن أو أبنائهن أو أبناء بعولتهن أو إخوانهن أو بني إخوانهن أو بني أخواتهن أو نسائهن أو ما ملكت أيمانهن أو التابعين غير أولي الإربة من الرجال أو الطفل الذين لم يظهروا على عورات النساء ولا يضربن بأرجلهن ليعلم ما يخفين من زينتهن وتوبوا إلى الله جميعا أيها المؤمنون لعلكم تفلحون
Say to the believing women: "Let their gaze, and his cock, and they must not reveal her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. And let them cover with cloth crippled his chest, and do not reveal her jewelry except to their husbands, or their fathers , or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, their men, or sons of their brother, or sons of their sisters, or women of Islam, or slaves they have, or servants of men who have no desire (for women) or children who do not understand about the nakedness of women. And let them not strike their feet in order to know the jewelry that they hide. And bertaubatlah ye to God, O believers that you prosper.
Al-Ahzab 59
يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين وكان الله غفورا رحيما
"O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them garments over their bodies ". That is so they are easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
    Islam religion of nature.[9] The laws contained therein in accordance with human nature. Islamic law is always suited to the conditions of date because the law itself maker Allah is All-Knowing human condition. Law relating to the veil is very clear. Anyone claiming to Muslim women, had to close her headscarf. This is to keep from being on guard against the defamation caused the genitalia.
D. Conditions dressed men and dress:
1. For the hygiene and the need
"Cleanliness is part of faith," according to the hadith if someone clean life means that people believe in, as well as for men - men who love to go to a salon and maintain the appearance that allowed submarines to menjga personal hygiene. Men's dress is also allowed as long as needed, for example, a public speaker, presenter, salesmen and other professions that require a lot of interaction with people should bernampilan neat, so it is a thing that always known. In the private sphere also need to dress up to please the husband and wife.
2. It's no exaggeration
Allah does not like any kind of excessive, including dress up for men. Should dress neatly, wearing a fragrance - sweet, go to salon,[10] cream bath, pedicure, manicure and others - judgments of origin is not excessive and his nature is still there.
3. Do not resemble women
In a hadith marfu 'history radhiallahu'anhu Ibn Abbas mentioned "the Prophet cursed men - men who resemble women and women who resemble men - men". (Reported by al-Bukhaari Fath al-Bari: 10/332).
Resembling in this case can be of clothing, jewelery, how to dress, how to talk, and other behaviors. Impersonation male to female or otherwise violate nature and will open the door of evil.
4. Not made from silk
Hadith narrated by Hudhayfah bin yaman ra, that the prophet of Allah said: "Do not drink in containers of gold and silver and do not wear silk, silk clothes because it is for them (the disbelievers) in the world and for you in the Hereafter on the Day of Judgment. "(Muslim).
The men clearly forbidden to wear silk clothes, but there are exceptions for the sick skin to wear silk (for another clothing triggering their disease) as relief given to the prophet saw Abdurahman bin Auf and Zubayr ibn al-Awam.
5. Gold
The Prophet said, "forbidden to wear silk and gold for the men - men of my people and allowed for the female" (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, An - Nasa'i and Ibn Majah), so however the beauty of the golden boys - men should not wear it, but silver may be used.
6. Polishing Hair
A Muslim is allowed to dye their hair,[11] according to halal haram in Islam, for parents whose hair has turned white all should be avoided polish black hair, while young black hair polish allowed.
E. Implementation Dressed According to Islam in the era of globalization
        With technological advances like many emerging models - models and trends of Muslim clothing men and women is no less modern. Even now many women wearing a veil with protective clothing and style are worth, so it will not diminish the confidence and interfere with daily activities - day. So there is no longer the term 'outdated' for women or men dressed according to Islamic rules. Not merely - eyes follow - follow the trend, we dressed Muslim because Allah SWT
F. Dressed who deviate from the teachings of Islam
The continued development of the times, even more depraved society. Adultery everywhere. Pornography is already flourishing. Even things sort of porn is not only loved by adults, but also children. Fashion clothes and other goods is growing again ignoring made all applicable regulations both in general and religion. While this is very different from a few years ago. Now the women have a lot to begin to open the genitalia. Not just the head is opened or soles of the feet, which is where both parts shall be covered. However, now many who dared to open his thigh with wearing a calf-length pants or skirts. O God, thou art to us to complain, seeing deteriorating conditions this era.
We do not know the next few years, the condition may be getting worse and worse than it is today. Maybe a few more years, dressed in western style is transparent and show off genitalia would become a cultural Muslims.[12] May God protect our families and future generations of Muslims from this tragedy.
G. Signs true Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
From Abu Hurairah radi 'anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
صنفان من أهل النار لم أرهما قوم معهم سياط كأذناب البقر يضربون بها الناس ونساء كاسيات عاريات مميلات مائلات رءوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة لا يدخلن الجنة ولا يجدن ريحها وإن ريحها ليوجد من مسيرة كذا وكذا
"There are two classes of inhabitants of hell that I have never seen:
 [1] A people who have the whip like cattle to hit the man and
[2] the women who dressed but naked, waddle, their heads tilted like a camel's hump. Such women will not enter Paradise and will not smell it, although smell wafted over the trip so much and so many. "(HR. Muslim no. 2128)
This hadith is a sign of a prophetic miracle. Both of these groups already exist in our day today.[13] This hadith strongly denounce the two groups of this kind. Damage like this does not appear at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam because his holy times, but this damage occurred after his past life (See Sharh Muslim, 9/240 and Faidul Qadir, 4/275). O Rabbku. And these days more real to occur and damage is severe.
Al-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim when describing the above hadith says that there are several meanings kasiyatun 'ariyatun.
The first meaning: the woman who gained the favor of God, but are reluctant to give thanks to Him.
The second meaning: women who wear clothes, but empty of deeds of kindness and do not want to put their afterlife and is reluctant to put obedience to Allah.
The third meaning: the woman who uncovers some members of his body, inadvertently revealing the beauty of the body. This is what women who dressed but naked
The fourth meaning: women who wear thin so visible parts of his body. The woman was dressed, but actually naked. (See Sharh Muslim, 9/240)

G. Culture For Women Who Do Not Want Berhijab
O Sister, We Reminds A Message of Prophet We, Muhammad peace and blessings' alaihi respectfully about Hijab. Do not Regret Later on Judgment Day, If You Do not Want to Read and Ment
AATI this advice ...
1. Azab Women Who Make Hair Opens Her husband is head apart: His hair will be hung by the fire of Hell boils So her brain And this was how long the world during his lifetime he has not closed his hair.
2. Women Who Like to Dress Sexy and Highlighting his chest are:
"Hanged by hellfire where the chain of the chest and head tied with hellfire and calves and thighs like a man given grill roasting a goat in the world and is very irritating hell fire this woman.[14]
3. Create Azab Women Who Love Being Sought Exciting teaser and another man with a fantastic body is "THIS WOMAN his face will darken and entrails FEED YOURSELF"
(Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim)
O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from a Fire.[15] (QS. At Tahriim: 8)
picture opened genitalia although

Of paper can be concluded that the etiquette of dressing is to be noticed, especially for Muslims and Muslim. Therefore all can reflect attitudes, characteristics and behavior of the person wearing it.
Clothing in accordance with Islamic Shari'a is the clothes are recommended by the Prophet Muhammad, it helps us as Muslims to follow the advice of our great prophet, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Stay away from Allah ban on open aurat (for women) if you do not want to feel a painful doom from Him. Naudzubillah min dzalik, may we not included among such.


Muhammad Nasib Arrifa'i.1999.Ringkasan ibnu katsir II.Jakarta.Gema insan press
http://adap berpakaian dalam islam/
http:// berpakaian sesuai dengan syariat islam/
Toto Edidarmo,MA dan Drs. muliyadi.2009.Akiah Akhlak Aliyah kelas XI. Bandung. PT.Karya Toha putra

[1] Toto Edidarmo,MA dan Drs. muliyadi.2009.Akiah Akhlak Aliyah kelas XI. Bandung. PT.Karya Toha putra

[2] Muhammad Nasib Arrifa'i.1999.Ringkasan ibnu katsir II.Jakarta.Gema insan press
[3] http//
[5] http://adap berpakaian dalam islam/
[7] http:// berpakaian sesuai dengan syariat islam/
[8] Muhammad Nasib Arrifa'i.1999.Ringkasan ibnu katsir II.Jakarta.Gema insan press
[9] Toto Edidarmo,MA dan Drs. muliyadi.2009.Akiah Akhlak Aliyah kelas XI. Bandung. PT.Karya Toha putra
[10] Muhammad Nasib Arrifa'i.1999.Ringkasan ibnu katsir II.Jakarta.Gema insan press
11 http:// berpakaian sesuai dengan syariat islam/
[15] http//

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